Sunday, November 28, 2010

a year later: what is tiger's deal?

What is Tiger’s Deal?

As Yogi Berra once famously said, “90% of the game is half mental.” When it comes to golf, I would say that the game is 90% mental. In fact, golf is one of the most mentally stressful sports ever. I will concede that it is nowhere near as physically draining as many “action sports” (although it is a lot more draining then most people think, especially walking 18 holes), but the mental strain on a golfer in real competition (a far cry from a fun round with buddies) is tough to match.

So what can we learn from Tiger’s slump? We can see that in order to play well (whatever that means for you personally), we need to have our mind focused on the task at hand. If our mind is being pulled in all sorts of different directions, it will be very difficult to have a good round of golf. Tiger was a master at going into a ‘zone’ on the golf course and being completely focused on his game, and only his game. Only time will tell if he can get his focus back; in the mean time we can work at being more focused and making sure our mind is not conflicted on the course.


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