Saturday, November 13, 2010

winter golf blues?

As much of the country prepares for cold weather and the golf “offseason”, we would like to take a look at several ways to keep your game sharp in the cooler months. Here are our top 5:
  1. Watch golf on TV – Now, come on, it doesn’t get any easier than that! But the more you watch the pros, the more you’ll soak up the way they play the game. Watch for pre-shot routines, demeanor on the course, swing tempo, grip and more. Watch your golf IQ increase with little to no effort!

  2. Grab your putter – Winter is the perfect time to fine-tune your putting stroke. We all know how important it is, but it often gets neglected when we are in a hurry to get out and play. Now that you are confined to your house, it is a great opportunity to tweak what many feel is the most important part of the game.

  3. Find a dome or simulator – There will most likely be an indoor facility somewhere nearby where you can hit full shots. This is a great way to treat yourself to some more realistic golf and keep the golf bug at bay until you can actually get back on the course.

  4. Drive South – In the late fall and early spring, you can usually drive a few hours south and find a course that is still open late (fall) or open early (spring). Grab a few golf buddies and plan a road trip.

  5. Plan a golf vacation – Now that you have been putting all of these tips to use, you might as well head to a warmer climate and play. Find a great golf package and play at least 36 holes a day!

Have a great winter and be sure to share with us how you plan to keep your game in shape over the upcoming months!


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