Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Your Full Swing Needs Help...

...Here is your FIX:

We posted a poll on twitter asking which area of your game needed the most help. The choices were: Putting, Chipping, Pitching, & Full Swing. The most common area of struggle for our clients was the full swing.

Here is our favorite full swing fix. This fix has been the most helpful for clients, from junior golfers up to adult and senior citizen golfers. We use it personally in our own games and teach it to all of our clients. It will take you from those inconsistent strikes / days, to striking it PURE every time.

We call it the "Pure It" Drill:

1) Go to your local driving range and purchase a bucket of balls
2) If you have an alignment aid, lay it out on your target line
3) Take out a mid iron (6,7, or 8)
4) Roll out your first ball
5) Set up with a standard ball position (Feet shoulder with apart and ball in the middle of your stance)
6) Roll the ball about 6 inches forward towards your front foot (foot closest to your target)
7) Place the club head back to the middle of your stance as normal (so the club should be in normal/middle of your stance position, but the ball is about 6 inches forward towards your front foot)
8) Make a swing
9) You probably hit it really poorly
10) Repeat 3x (It is really hard to do at first)
11) After the 3rd try, you probably had a little better result
12) On the 4th shot, go back to your normal/middle ball position and swing (Most likely you will pure this one)
13) Try to PURE IT 2x in a row
14) Repeat the drill again, hitting 3 shots forward (more challenging) and then 2 shots normal (less challenging)
15) Do this drill at least 3x (15 shots total)

To summarize, the idea is that the ball being forward is a bit more difficult and will overemphasize any swing flaws. You will be forced to adjust to hit the ball cleanly. It's kind of like using a medicine ball and then throwing a regular basketball, it seems a lot easier after using a heavy medicine ball.

This "PURE IT" drill is a great one to go back to anytime your ball striking or consistency with your full swing is giving you trouble.

We hope it helps and please let us know if your game improves as a result of using this drill. The crazy thing for me at times, is that I will hit the ball better when it is forward 6 inches than I do standard. It is a great drill and the feel of getting through the ball to strike it cleanly will bring quick results to your game. It is also something that you can work into your pre-shot routine while you are on the course.

For more help on grip, alignment, stance, posture, mental approach, game-improving drills and pre-shot routine:
Go to www.holen1golf.com and sign-up for our free #Birdy30 program where we get you working on your game consistently for 30 days. You will be amazed at the results you can achieve with 30 days of disciplined work on your game.

All the best,

-Coach Holen

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