Thursday, December 29, 2011

Review, Reflect and Renew...2011 to 2012

How was your 2011 season? Hopefully you had some personal highlights and hit your personal goals. It is the perfect time to review, reflect and renew in life and that definitely can carry over to your golf game as well. At Holen1Golf we can't wait to start the new year with you and look forward to serving you and your golf game as best we can. We are gearing up for the PGA kickoff in Hawaii come January and wanted to share this video preview to get you pumped up for the new year. This video is courtesy of the Golf Channel:

What was your biggest highlight of 2011? And what are you most looking forward to in 2012?

Please let us know on our facebook page or on our twitter page.

Thanks and we can't wait to hear from you!

-Eric Holen

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