Tuesday, February 15, 2011

going green... to save you green and get you on the green

H1G is always looking for ways to save you money. Our latest shift has been to go digital with our receipts. From now on, any purchase made at H1G will come with a digital receipt that will be sent directly to your email for your records. We are currently in a transition phase of going all digital. Come to the MN Golf Show to see the ways in which we are incorporating technology into our business, and not only going green, but helping you get on the green faster with great equipment. Besides, what’s more green than re-using awesome name brand equipment that still looks like new? If you can’t make it to the show, get in touch with us to find out how you can get a full set of clubs for less than the price of a new driver or set of irons!

This is YOUR year!

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