Tuesday, January 4, 2011

a resolution you will keep

Do you have a bad track record with New Year's resolutions? I know I did until about 4 years ago when I finally committed to my first successful resolution. It was to start drinking coffee. Guess what? I am still drinking coffee and am up to about 1 pot a day now. Pretty good don't you think? When the next year came along I was still so impressed with myself that I committed to playing more golf for my next resolution. You guessed it, kept that one with the greatest of ease as well. The following year I decided I was going to really buckle down and work a bit harder, so I committed myself to watching more golf on TV. I had now officially 3-peated in New Year's resolutions after going about 0 for 15 in previous years. This year I am fully committing myself to becoming a great Fantasy Golf player. I figure it is important to build upon my prior successes. So with that, I ask you to join me in my pursuit of perfection. Four years straight of keeping my New Year’s resolution. I think we can all manage 30 minutes a week, or even less depending what you put into it, to play a little Fantasy Golf. The other great thing about it is that, at least for those of us stuck in the Midwest, you start to whet your golf appetite a little bit and don’t drive everyone else crazy because you can’t stand not playing 18 holes one day longer. Remember this is your year! So there you have it, thanks to reading this blog you will now have a resolution that you can keep. Guaranteed or your money back…oh wait it’s free so never mind.

Hello ___Insert Your Name Here____,
You have been invited to join Easy E's Private Group in Yahoo! Sports Fantasy Golf.
In order to join the group, follow the link above, or go to the game front page and click on the "Sign Up" button to create a team. After completing registration, or if you already have a team, click the "Create or Join Group" button and follow the path to join an existing private group. Then, when prompted, enter the following information...

Group ID#: 7031
Password: holen1golf

Step 1: Write down or copy and paste the group ID# and password somewhere
Step 2: Click on one of the links above
Step 3: Enter the ID# 7031 and then type in the password holen1golf
Step 4: Name your team (one of the most important steps in any fantasy league - take your time with this step)
Step 5: Familiarize yourself with some of the pages (just start clicking around)
Step 6: Set your lineup: Choose 8 golfers for the week:
-2 A List Guys (Great Golfers)
-4 B List Guys (Good Golfers)
-2 C List Guys (Above Average Golfers)
-Don’ worry Yahoo will help you with all of this if you don’t know.
Step 7: Tweak your lineup as you see fit (again only have to check 1x per week minimum)
Step 8: Start talking trash when you keep putting all the magical formulas together and can’t stop winning…see aren’t you glad you joined now!

Thanks for playing!



  1. question: so then is the pool of players open to all? like can both you and i have "T.Woods" in our A List Guys? or do we have to "draft" a number of players and set your team from that select group of players?

  2. Yes the pool is open to all, but you can only use any one golfer in 10 total tournaments so that is where the strategy comes in to play a bit.
