Monday, April 13, 2015

The Masters: 3 Things You Can Apply Today

The greatest sporting event of the year is over, but now we (beginner, average, above average golfers) get to go to our own area courses and work to beat our personal records. Here are 3 things that the players at the Masters did that you can do too:

1) They spent time on the Driving Range & Short Game area before their round.

How often do we get to the course and just rush to the first tee? I know I am guilty of it way too often. If I am lucky some days, I might roll a few putts and hit a few chips, but then it is off to play.

 This year: Make a commitment to spend 30 minutes before your round with deliberate practice (both a little driving range & a little short game work), before you tee off.

2) They have a Caddy, a Swing Coach & Mental Game Coach

Now most of us are not going to have the luxury of those 3 people following us around the course, and probably are glad we don't. Our golf buddies would never let us live it down if we brought a Tiger-like entourage to our next Saturday round. But we can play the role of all 3 ourselves.

This year: Make a commitment to play the game smarter (Be your own caddy), Commit to improve your swing (Study and coach yourself), Mental Game (Work to stay focused on each shot)

3) They have an incredible routine on the course - Example Jordan Spieth

On each shot the pros will start by looking at the next shot from behind the ball. They will visualize a target or a line they want the ball to end up on. Jordan Spieth talked about having small targets on each shot to help him really focus and aim small / miss small.

This year: Make a commitment to have a clear focus and target on each shot.

We hope these 3 tips help you play better. Please let us know 1 thing you learned from watching the pros at The Masters in the comments below.

If you would like help with your own game, we can show you how to be your own swing coach, caddy & mental game coach. This will bring confidence to your game, because GOLF IS CONFIDENCE!

Send us an email at

Twitter: @holen1golf
Facebook: /h1golf
Instagram: Holen1Golf
Our Hashtag: #GolfIsConfidence

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Watch and Learn: Masters Coverage Online & TV

Here is how you can watch the greatest sporting event of the year. How about instead of just watching this year, we also try to learn from the pros? Try watching a specific group from one of the featured groups below to see how they approach the game. Try watching the coverage of the driving range and practice area to see how the pros prepare to play.  Or try watching how they tackle Amen Corner and holes 15-16 via the link below to see how different pros manage the course in various ways.

This year try to really focus on what and why they do what they do. Watch the coverage with a purpose: to use what the pros are doing and then apply what you can to your own game. Find 1-3 things that you can copy right now and start to work it into your own practice and play.

In the comments below, please share 1-3 things that you learned or picked up that will help us average golfers the next time we play.


Sunday's final round coverage – **All times are Eastern**

Online Coverage (provided by and
Click above links to see multiple ways to stream online
Live now through tournaments conclusion.

Television coverage
Live coverage, CBS
(**All Times are Eastern Time**)

What will you apply to your game from watching the Masters? 

Please tell us in the comments below. Give your twitter handle and we will tweet the best of the day!